Health & Safety

Health and safety is an integral part of our management philosophy and we are committed to maintaining a safe and healthy working environment for our employees, our customers and members of the public. We are all responsible for preventing injury and illness at work.

Our commitment is to:

Create a safe working environment by ensuring that safe systems of work are in place and that these are based on the identification, assessment and management of risk across all business processes.

Ensure that appropriate resources are made available to ensure that our policies may be brought into effect and maintained.

Develop and embed a safety culture throughout the organisation that recognises the importance and value of effective safety management.

Establish and measure our safety performance against objectives and targets.

Continually improve our safety performance.

We all have a personal responsibility to act in a safe manner at all times and to ensure that others do likewise. All employees have a duty to co-operate in the operation of this policy by:

Taking reasonable care for their own health and safety and that of others who may be affected by their acts or omissions.

Co-operating fully to ensure compliance with any statutory duty or policies and procedures introduced to fulfil our obligations.

Co-operating with us in maintaining high standards of health and safety.

Informing their manager if they have come into contact with an infectious disease, use prescribed drugs, or have suffered any injury or illness which could affect the safety of themselves or other employees.

“Don’t walk by” – Reporting all incidents, near miss – occurrences and hazardous situations to their manager immediately.

Additionally, our managers are responsible for ensuring that:

All employees are made aware of the appropriate safety rules.

Employees, agency staff and contractors are adequately inducted, trained and supervised in respect to health and safety at work.